Welcome, readers, students, and bots! (I assume if you're here you probably fall into one of those three categories.) Way back in 2003 this web page started as a site about my novel Death of a Nationalist and its sequels, together known as the Tejada series. You can still find information on those books, as well as a little about the novels I have written and (so far) not published by checking out my "manuscripts in the drawer" and send me a note if you'd be interested in reading any of them in either e-book or paper format. (If I get enough votes for any specific novel, I'll consider self-publishing it, so your participation is important!) You can also follow me on instagram (@rebeccapawel) for more regular updates.
If you're one of my students who got here by googling the professor, or just someone who is consumed by curiosity, there's a short bio below too.
As always, salud, camaradas! And happy reading.
Rebecca Pawel